summer academic calendar
Registration is ongoing until classes start or fill.
Courses that start May 12 and run through the first week of June, ending June 9, 2025
- Memorial Day Holiday, no classes, May 26
Summer Session I
- May 19 to June 30, 2025
- General Registration Begins February 2 and is ongoing until classes are filled
- Memorial Day Holiday, no classes, May 26
- Juneteenth Holiday, no classes June 19
- Declare intent to graduate, May 12 - June 20
Summer Session II
- July 2 to August 15, 2025
- Registration Begins February 2 and is ongoing until classes are filled
- Declare intent to graduate, May 12 - June 20
- Independence Holiday, no classes July 4
- See LionPATH for add/drop and late drop information.
Tuition Adjustment Schedule Students should contact the Bursar's Office regarding the tuition adjustment schedule and information.
Veterans should contact the Office of the Registrar, 122 Sutherland Building if planning to use VA education benefits.